International Journal of Academic Research
Technology (IJART)
A Unit of Altech Groups

International Journal of Academic Research & Technology (IJART)

Altech Groups Publication (AGP) : The peer-reviewed, open access International Journal of Academic Research & Technology (IJART) is a multidisciplinary engineering, technology, and science publication that publishes original research as well as reviews in all of the main fields of engineering, science, and technology. We have embraced a completely open access publishing strategy that enables anybody to download and read articles for free, anytime, anywhere in the world. Several of the top indexing and abstracting open access databases, such as ResearchGate and Google Scholar, include IJART..

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The Future of AI in 2024

It is customary at this time of year to think about the future and what 2024 will be.

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Computer Science Future

Current IT trends and advancements, such as robots, cybersecurity, and AI.

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Management Future

80% of management experts state that AI and ML are impacting their organization’s.

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Medical Future

The ongoing evolution of technology in healthcare, AI, VR/AR, and robotics.

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About Publication Group

To establish a global excellence in publication, in which Fundamental and Research would be encouraged to enhance the creative and innovative.

Books, UGC, Scopus, IEEE, SCI, International Conference, Indian Patent, Australian patent, ISBN, Meetings, Summits and Workshops.The field of Arts & Science, Management, Engineering & Technology.

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Altech Groups Publication : Flash News - IBM

Tie-up Journals
Happy Customers
Employee Count


Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journals, Amazon, Filpkart, Google scholar, Semantic Scholar, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI).

  1. March 2023

    Research Grants

    Altech Groups Publication - Research Grants
  2. March 2018


    Altech Groups Publication - PHD Support
  3. September 2017

    Book Publication

    Altech Groups Publication - Book Publication
  4. Augest 2014

    Altech Groups

    Altech Groups - Altech Groups Publication

Dr. Vijayakumar Thota

Associate Professor

Dr. MD. Waseem Bari .U

Associate Professor

Dr. R. Mani

Assistant Professor

Dr. Gauri Kalnoor

Assistant Professor